We're excited to be redesigning our website and want to bring you along for the journey!
We're working towards a more user-friendly experience with a fresh design and improved navigation.
Because of current time limitations, the updates will be rolled out in phases. We encourage you to share your feedback as you see these changes implemented – your input is valuable to us! Please send your thoughts to admin@stgeorgehamilton.com. Thank you!
Sunday Services:
Orthros 8:30 a.m.
Divine Liturgy 9:30 a.m.
Weekday Services:
Orthros 8:30 a.m.
Divine Liturgy 9:30 a.m.
*These are our standard hours for regular services. To find information on special feast days and other services, we encourage you to visit our Calendar & Events section.
A brief history of the parish of
Saint George
Saint George Church was founded in 1922 in Trenton, New Jersey with a membership of forty families.
Most of the original families were from the islands of Andros and Chios in Greece.
In 1924, a home at 106 Jackson Street was purchased to be renovated into the first permanent church.
In 1952, Jackson Street was outgrown and the parish purchased the Second Presbyterian Church at
Mercer & Market Streets which was renovated. In 1969, the General Assembly approved the purchase of the Klockner Road, Hamilton, NJ property as the site of the new complex.
The complex was completed in three phases - the church building, the community center and the cultural center. The existing Community and Cultural Center, that consists of classrooms, meetings rooms, storage, kitchen,
and large hall, was completed in 2000.
Beginning with the 21st century (the year 2000), the beautification phase was started, beginning with
the dome of the church proper which was completed with iconography in November 2005.
The parish is now approximately 375 parishioner households strong.
On October 15th, 2017, our church was consecrated and the holy relics of Saint George the Great Martyr, Saint Panteleimon the Great Martyr and Healer, and The Holy Fathers martyred in the Monastery of the Pantokratoras in Daou Pentelis were sealed into the altar.

Become a Steward of Saint George
“As the Father has sent me,
so I send you.”
John 20:21
Click here for information
on becoming a steward

Office Managers

Evie Georgopoulos
Panagiota Razzano
Contact Us
1200 Klockner Rd
Hamilton Township, Mercer County
New Jersey, 08619
email: admin@stgeorgehamilton.com
Phone: (609) 586-4448
Fax: (609) 586-6316
Subscribe to church news:

Saint George Greek Orthodox Church
Hamilton, New Jersey
phone: (609) 586-4448 fax: (609) 586-6316
email: admin@stgeorgehamilton.com
Text @sggoc1 to the number 81010 to sign up for important text alerts