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The Consecration of Saint George

October 14th & 15th, 2017

Presided By

His Eminence Metropolitan Evangelos


Saturday, October 14, 2017

Vespers 6:30 pm


Sunday, October 15, 2017

Orthros 8:00am

Consecration Liturgy 9:00 am

Divine Liturgy 11:00 am


Celebratory Banquet at Merion Caterers



Many thanks to all who celebrated, participated, donated, planned, and enjoyed our magnificent Consecration weekend!! What a memorable event for all!!

Check out wonderful pictures and videos on Cosmos Philly by Clicking Here

and by Clicking Here


When a church is consecrated, its altar is entombed with holy relics of saints and is anointed with Holy Myron. The ceremony of consecration also contains a procession around the building and a ceremonial opening of its doors by the bishop. The doors, walls, columns and icons are also anointed by the bishop.

The Consecration should not be confused with the blessing of the building and the church's formal opening for worship.

What is a consecration?

In order for the consecration to take place the church has to be prepared and that involves adorning the church and preparing it, much in the same way that we prepare a child for his/her baptism with the finest of everything.

















The Process

His Eminence Metropolitan Evangelos was very helpful to us in preparing a list of items required to proceed with the ceremony. We were able to adorn our St. George with the finest ecclesiastical items.


This was a very exciting event for our community.  Of course it takes a whole community to achieve this milestone and we thank you for your support. 

Dear Parishioners,


The consecration of our church of St. George was an uplifting experience for all involved. This was not only the efforts of this past year that brought us to this major ecclesiastical event, but also all the hard work and forty plus years in this present church edifice, as w ell as, the parish life for many years prior. We will never forget what it took for us to get here. The blessing of our church  has created a lasting spiritual effect imprinted on our minds and has created a strong, lasting bond running through our whole community in fellowship with one  another.


Our whole parish was overwhelmed with emotion in all facets of the community through the whole process. His Eminence Metropolitan Evangelos of New Jersey ushering in the relics at the vespers, and presiding over the day of consecration, the processions around the church, the sanctifying and cleansing of the altar; brought us together as a community in ways that will always be part of us.


After experiencing this as a parish, it brings us to where we look at the past with bright anticipation towards the future. This is why as part of the celebration we compiled the hist ory of our church in pictures and in words. This for us, along with God's blessings on our holy church of St. George with his holy relic now present in our altar gives us great hope. We now have a consecrated, sanctified, and blessed church, in which to continue in, and leave behind for those who come after us.


Let us always remember what  has  been  accomp lished  and  may  we  have continued successes as a church for many years to come.





Father James Pavlow


Saint George Greek Orthodox Church
Hamilton, New Jersey

phone: (609) 586-4448   fax: (609) 586-6316  

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