Religious Education
Religious Education Contact:
John Megariotis:
Religious Education classes are held immediately after Holy Communion on Sundays for classes K-9th Grade. Father Jimmy also teaches a lesson to the children immediately following the Gospel reading. We ask that all children sit in the left, front three rows with their Religious Education teachers so that they can benefit from his lesson and also to facilitate a quick exit after Holy Communion as to get to their classrooms. Please be aware that attendance is taken in church at the time of Father Jimmy's lesson so try to get your children to church on time.
Classes let out around 12:15pm. Parents with younger children are asked to please collect their children in a timely manner so that teachers are not left waiting with children.
For parents of very young children who may not be able to sit through Sunday services we have a Religious education teacher in the kindergarten class to watch them while you attend Divine Liturgy.
Note: There is no charge for Religious Education it's just required that you register your child for class.
click on PDF to view 2016- 2017 schedule
Saint George Greek Orthodox Church
Hamilton, New Jersey
phone: (609) 586-4448 fax: (609) 586-6316
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